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Sleep deprivation can have a significant impact on new moms, both physically and emotionally. The postpartum period is already a challenging time, and lack of sleep can intensify these challenges.


  • Sleep deprivation can have significant physical, emotional, and cognitive consequences for new mothers
  • Lack of sleep impairs physical recovery, aggravates mood swings and anxiety, and affects cognitive functions like memory and decision-making
  • Re-Timer helps regulate circadian rhythms and gradually adjust sleep schedules especially beneficial for new mothers dealing with irregular sleep patterns due to caring for their newborns

Becoming a mother is unquestionably among life’s most rewarding journeys. However, it also comes with its fair share of challenges, and one of the most common struggles for new moms is getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can take a toll on new mothers, and can be especially challenging due to the demands of caring for a newborn.

Adequate sleep is crucial

Lack of sleep can impact a new mom’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being in more ways than one. Sleep is the most important component of a speedy recovery for mothers, be it natural or surgical childbirth;

  • Essential for physical recovery after childbirth. It’s when the body repairs tissues, boosts the immune system and regulates hormones.
  • Deprivation can lead to mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and even postpartum depression. Coping with these challenges becomes even harder when sleep is compromised.
  • Closely tied to cognitive function, including memory, attention, and decision-making. New moms often report “mom brain” or forgetfulness, which can be exacerbated by sleep deprivation.

Using Re-Timer to sleep better

Trouble falling asleep?

Parenthood often feels like a journey through different time zones. Whether you’re dealing with late-night feedings or irregular sleep patterns, Re-Timer light therapy glasses can help minimize the effects of shifting schedules.
Re-Timer light therapy glasses is designed to help regulate sleep patterns by using light therapy. Developed by researchers and sleep experts, it’s a promising tool for new moms looking to improve their sleep quality and quantity.
To see significant results, consistency is key. Try to use Re-Timer at the same times each day and stick to a regular sleep schedule.

Millennials, like other generations, encounter sleep challenges due to irregular bedtime routines, poor sleep hygiene, and the constant pressure to remain connected for work or social reasons, hindering relaxation before bedtime and causing sleep disturbances.


  • In a world dominated by digital connectivity and incessant stimulation, millennials find themselves trapped in a cycle of sleep deprivation, distraction, and digital reliance.
  • The pressures to succeed, stay socially active, and stay updated online often lead to compromised sleep quality
  • Re-Timer’s simulated natural light exposure works wonders in regulating sleep patterns, offering a solution to those struggling with erratic sleep schedules.

Millennials spend an astonishing amount of time glued to screens, from smartphones to laptops, screen-induced sleep disruption and eye strain are rampantly on the rise.

The digital age has ushered in unparalleled convenience, but it has also furthered a culture of relentless distraction. Juggling work responsibilities, social commitments, and digital engagement can lead to diminished focus and heightened stress levels.

Compromising on sleep

Millennials are no strangers to the demands of modern life. The pressure to excel in careers, maintain an active social life, and stay updated in the digital realm often comes at the expense of one crucial aspect: sleep.


  • Grownup during the rapid expansion of technology and the internet has led to an “always-on” culture, where constant connectivity can make it difficult to disconnect and wind down before sleep
  • Have entered the workforce during a period of economic uncertainty, and pressure to build a career might lead to longer work hours, multiple jobs, or side gigs, which can cut into sleep time
  • Desire to maintain an active social life and engage in recreational activities can sometimes lead millennials to stay up later than they should, especially during weekends or days off
  • Economic pressures, including high living costs, stagnant wages, and the want for an active social life might lead some millennials to work more than one job or put in longer hours, leaving less time for sleep
  • With the rise of remote work and flexible schedules, the boundaries between work and personal time can become blurred. This can lead to work-related tasks encroaching on late evenings, impacting sleep routines

Light therapy could be a game-changer

Light therapy, utilizing exposure to specific wavelengths of light, has emerged as a potential game changer in managing sleep disorders and mood-related issues. By simulating natural sunlight, it helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythms, improving sleep quality and energy levels. Additionally, light therapy has shown promise in enhancing mood and reducing symptoms associated with various sleep-related disorders.

Using Re-Timer for regulating sleep routine

For millennials, who often struggle with irregular sleep routines due to factors like technology use, work stress, and social obligations, Re-Timer light therapy glasses can offer a practical solution. By incorporating Re-Timer as a part of their daily routines, millennials can reset their internal clocks, improve sleep quality, and mitigate the effects of irregular schedules. This technology aligns with the preferences of a digitally native generation, providing a non-invasive and convenient method to address common sleep issues and enhance overall well-being.

“Thank you so much for the expedited delivery … I have used the glasses for 2 nights and experienced tiredness in the evening … something I didn’t recognise on the first night. The second night confirmed I was in fact tired – a symptom my body had long ago lost touch with. I think you may have just turned my life around.”

Lyn Peel, Sydney, Australia

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