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“I suffer from chronic insomnia where although I get into bed by 10:00pm, it takes me 1-2 hrs to actually go to sleep & I invariably wake at 3-3:30 every morning.
I follow the usual sleep hygiene protocols but this routine hasn’t been affective.
Would your device assist? “

Suzy who wrote to us with the above problem is not alone. Millions around the world, struggle with insomnia, the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available, and two powerful tools you might not be familiar with are bedtime restriction therapy in conjunction with bright light therapy. Let’s explore how they work together to help you manage your sleep and achieve those restful nights you crave.

Taming the Bed Time

Imagine this: you toss and turn for hours in the bed, frustrated by the lack of sleep.

This frustration can lead you to spend even more time in bed, hoping to catch some sleep. However, this approach doesn’t work for everyone. This is where sleep can help in increasing sleep efficiency— the ratio of time spent asleep to time spent in bed.

This approach developed by Dr. Arthur Spielman, is designed for people who have trouble sleeping during the beginning, middle or end of the time spent in bed. It doesn’t aim to restrict actual sleep time but rather to initially restrict the time spent in bed.

Take for example, you go to bed at 11:00 pm and get out of bed in the morning at 7:00 am but your actual sleep time is only 5 hours per night. Your sleep efficiency in this case is around 62% ( 5 hrs/8hrs). During the first step of this procedure you will be in bed only 5 hours (e.g., 12:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.). This may sound difficult at first but after a week or so there will be a marked decrease in time spent awake in the middle of the night.

Usually people experience marked improvement in the quality of sleep after a week of restricted time in bed, but they also realize that that they are not getting enough sleep. In this case, the next step is to gradually extend the time spent in bed by 15 to 30 minutes, as long as wakefulness in the middle of the night remains minimal.

By setting this kind of  strict bedtime and wake-up time, you essentially retrain your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. This is used to build up sleep pressure that will help ensure better quality sleep when you are in bed and strengthen the bed as a trigger for sleep. Over time, as your body adjusts to this consistent schedule, you’ll find it easier to fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly throughout the night.

Harnessing the Power of Light

Our bodies are naturally wired to respond to light. Bright light exposure in the morning helps suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that signals sleepiness. This is where bright light therapy comes in. By using light therapy glasses like Re-Timer, that emits blue-green light similar to natural sunlight, you can regulate your circadian rhythm, the internal clock that governs your sleep-wake cycle. By incorporating bright light therapy in the morning and evening, you can gradually nudge your internal clock forward, making it easier to fall asleep at a reasonable hour.

The Dream Team in Action : Bright Light & Bedtime Restriction Therapy

The recent documentary “Australia’s Sleep Revolution with Dr Michael Mosley” which aired on SBS OnDemand, showcased a combination of bedtime restriction therapy and bright light therapy using Re-Timer light therapy glasses for people suffering from sleep disorders.  Dr. Mosley was diagnosed with “moderately severe” obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), but his struggles extended beyond that – a misaligned circadian rhythm, his body’s internal clock that led to him consistently waking up at 3 am, mistaking it for morning.

To address this, renowned sleep psychologist Professor Leon Lack from Flinders University prescribed a two-pronged approach:

  1. Bright Light Therapy: Dr. Mosley used Re-Timer light therapy glasses before bedtime. These wearable devices emit green-blue light, helping to reset his circadian rhythm.
  2. Bedtime Restriction Therapy: This involved setting consistent sleep and wake times, even on days with poor sleep.

By combining these techniques, Dr. Mosley was able to “shift” his body clock. This reduced the likelihood of those disruptive 3 am awakenings, paving the way for a more restful sleep experience.

That’s the advantage of this approach: bedtime restriction therapy and bright light therapy work synergistically. By limiting your time in bed and exposing yourself to bright light in the morning and evening, you’re sending strong signals to your body about when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to be awake. This consistent approach can significantly improve your sleep quality and duration.

Important Considerations

While these therapies offer a drug-free approach to sleep management, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help you determine if these therapies are right for you and develop a personalized plan to address your specific sleep challenges. Additionally, remember that consistency is key. Sticking to your sleep schedule and light therapy routine, even on weekends, is crucial for maximizing the benefits.

So, if you’re tired of battling insomnia, don’t despair. By considering bedtime restriction therapy and bright light therapy, you can take control of your sleep and finally achieve those restful nights you deserve.

Millennials, like other generations, encounter sleep challenges due to irregular bedtime routines, poor sleep hygiene, and the constant pressure to remain connected for work or social reasons, hindering relaxation before bedtime and causing sleep disturbances.


  • In a world dominated by digital connectivity and incessant stimulation, millennials find themselves trapped in a cycle of sleep deprivation, distraction, and digital reliance.
  • The pressures to succeed, stay socially active, and stay updated online often lead to compromised sleep quality
  • Re-Timer’s simulated natural light exposure works wonders in regulating sleep patterns, offering a solution to those struggling with erratic sleep schedules.

Millennials spend an astonishing amount of time glued to screens, from smartphones to laptops, screen-induced sleep disruption and eye strain are rampantly on the rise.

The digital age has ushered in unparalleled convenience, but it has also furthered a culture of relentless distraction. Juggling work responsibilities, social commitments, and digital engagement can lead to diminished focus and heightened stress levels.

Compromising on sleep

Millennials are no strangers to the demands of modern life. The pressure to excel in careers, maintain an active social life, and stay updated in the digital realm often comes at the expense of one crucial aspect: sleep.


  • Grownup during the rapid expansion of technology and the internet has led to an “always-on” culture, where constant connectivity can make it difficult to disconnect and wind down before sleep
  • Have entered the workforce during a period of economic uncertainty, and pressure to build a career might lead to longer work hours, multiple jobs, or side gigs, which can cut into sleep time
  • Desire to maintain an active social life and engage in recreational activities can sometimes lead millennials to stay up later than they should, especially during weekends or days off
  • Economic pressures, including high living costs, stagnant wages, and the want for an active social life might lead some millennials to work more than one job or put in longer hours, leaving less time for sleep
  • With the rise of remote work and flexible schedules, the boundaries between work and personal time can become blurred. This can lead to work-related tasks encroaching on late evenings, impacting sleep routines

Light therapy could be a game-changer

Light therapy, utilizing exposure to specific wavelengths of light, has emerged as a potential game changer in managing sleep disorders and mood-related issues. By simulating natural sunlight, it helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythms, improving sleep quality and energy levels. Additionally, light therapy has shown promise in enhancing mood and reducing symptoms associated with various sleep-related disorders.

Using Re-Timer for regulating sleep routine

For millennials, who often struggle with irregular sleep routines due to factors like technology use, work stress, and social obligations, Re-Timer light therapy glasses can offer a practical solution. By incorporating Re-Timer as a part of their daily routines, millennials can reset their internal clocks, improve sleep quality, and mitigate the effects of irregular schedules. This technology aligns with the preferences of a digitally native generation, providing a non-invasive and convenient method to address common sleep issues and enhance overall well-being.

“Thank you so much for the expedited delivery … I have used the glasses for 2 nights and experienced tiredness in the evening … something I didn’t recognise on the first night. The second night confirmed I was in fact tired – a symptom my body had long ago lost touch with. I think you may have just turned my life around.”

Lyn Peel, Sydney, Australia

The importance of achieving deep, restful sleep is important in waking up feeling refreshed and healthy. It underscores the connection between sleep quality and overall well-being.


  • Quality sleep is essential for maintaining good health and well-being
  • Research has shown that getting adequate and restful sleep is linked to improved cognitive function, better mood regulation, enhanced immune system function, and even a reduced risk of chronic diseases
  • Light therapy has been valuable and effective in regulating circadian rhythm, sleep patterns, promoting better sleep quality, and supporting overall well-being.

We need good sleep

In our bustling lives, it’s easy to overlook the importance of a good night’s sleep. We often treat sleep as a neglected afterthought of our daily routine, trading hours of precious rest for endless Netflix binging, social media scrolling, or late-night work emails. Little do we realize this casual attitude toward sleep can have far-reaching consequences for our health and well-being.

Good sleep is crucial for optimizing physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Adequate and restful sleep is associated with;

  • Improved immune system to fight illness and linked to a lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke
  • Influences hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism, which can help with weight control
  • Contributes to better emotional stability, stress management, and the ability to cope with challenges
  • Improves physical endurance, coordination, and reaction times, making it essential for athletes
  • Enhances focus, concentration, and productivity in daily activities.

Light therapy can help

Exposure to light therapy in the morning, particularly within the first hour of waking up, can help regulate the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. By suppressing melatonin production in the morning and promoting its release in the evening, light therapy can help synchronize the body’s internal clock and improve overall sleep quality.

Using Re-Timer to regulate sleep cycle

The science behind Re-Timer light therapy glasses is based on the understanding that exposure to certain wavelengths of light, particularly in the blue-green spectrum, can influence the body’s internal clock and help regulate sleep patterns. By providing light exposure at specific times of day, such as in the morning to promote wakefulness or in the evening to facilitate relaxation and sleepiness, retimer aims to synchronize the body’s circadian rhythms and improve overall sleep quality.

“This device changed my life. I now look forward to going to bed. I fall asleep easy and I get to spend more time with my family as I get up earlier than I used to. I also feel more energetic when I use the light.”
Cassidy, Adelaide, Australia

Read more about some of success stories of happy Re-Timer customers 

“Cracking the sleep code” typically refers to understanding the factors that influence and optimize sleep patterns for better overall health and well-being. It involves understanding the science of sleep, including its various stages and cycles, as well as identifying and addressing factors that can disrupt or improve sleep quality.


  • Understanding the causes and effects of poor sleep habits can lead to transformative changes in your sleep quality
  • Embrace brighter days changing your sleep schedule for the better
  • Experience the joy of waking up to a refreshed, revitalized version of yourself with Re-Timer Light Therapy Glasses.

Poor sleep habits

We’ve all been there at some point – tossing and turning, counting endless sheep, or staring at the ceiling in frustration while sleep evades. Poor sleep is an all-too-common problem that can leave us feeling groggy, irritable, and drained the next day.

Let us take a closer look at what we could be doing wrong.

  • Staring at screens (phones, tablets, TVs) before bedtime can confuse your body’s internal clock, making it harder to fall asleep
  • Irregular sleep patterns, such as going to bed and waking up at different times each day, can disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, leaving you feeling out of sync
  • Worries from work, family, or life can keep your mind racing even when your body craves rest
  • Eating at irregular intervals and late-night binging on sweets/desserts gives the body a sugar rush
  • Mental stress from any/all of the above makes it tough to wind down and fall asleep

Light therapy can make a difference

Light therapy involves exposure to specific wavelengths of light that mimic natural sunlight, influencing the body’s internal clock and promoting better sleep patterns.

Poor sleep doesn’t have to be your constant companion. By understanding the causes and effects of bad sleep habits and incorporating light therapy into your routine, you can finally experience the joy of restful nights and energized days.
Sleep is your body’s way of recharging – give it the attention it deserves and wake up to a brighter, more vibrant you.

Using Re-timer for managing sleep schedule

Re-Timer light therapy wearables are designed to regulate and reset the sleep schedule with green-blue light to stimulate the part of the brain that controls your natural sleep cycle.

By incorporating Re-Timer into your daily routine and addressing poor sleep habits, you can unlock the secret to better sleep and wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to seize the day. Embrace the transformative power of light and experience the joy of a restful night’s sleep.

retimer can help with sleeplessness


“I was able to re-adjust my sleep schedule, and I am impressed how easy and effective the use of the Re-Timer was.

Kevin Hodges, Toronto, Canada

Read more about some of success stories of happy Re-Timer customers 

Shift work can be incredibly challenging for many reasons, but one of the most common difficulties that shift workers face is getting good quality sleep. Irregular and unpredictable schedules can make it tough to establish a consistent sleep-wake routine, leading to sleep disturbances and other related problems. Lack of sleep, in turn, can lead to decreased productivity and impaired job performance. Fortunately, light therapy glasses like Re-timer can help shift workers improve their sleep quality and productivity, even in the most challenging environments.

What is Shift Work 

A work schedule that begins, or ends, outside of the standard daytime working hour. Shift work can involve either working early mornings or late afternoons/evenings nights.

One of the common effects of shift work is the misalignment of the circadian rhythm. Our body’s natural circadian rhythm is aligned with the light/dark cycle according to the earth’s rotation. Shift workers experience a quick shift in their sleep/wake and light/dark cycles when their schedule changes, which their circadian clock cannot keep up with. This leads to a discrepancy between their behaviour and the internal circadian clock, causing issues with their safety, performance, and overall health.

Some of the symptoms of a misaligned body clock in shift workers are:

  • Increased risk of accidents
  • Increased risk of errors
  • High absenteeism
  • High employee turnover
  • Lost productivity
  • Weakened immune function
  • Long-term health implications
  • Poor quality of life

Improving Sleep Quality with Re-timer

Re-timer is light therapy glasses that use specially designed Blue-Green light to stimulate the part of the brain that controls the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. The glasses emit a soft, soothing glow that helps regulate the body’s internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up at the appropriate times.

One of the main benefits of using Re-timer for shift workers is that it can help improve sleep quality, even in challenging environments. Since Shift workers often have irregular sleep schedules, it can be tough to establish a consistent sleep-wake routine. However, Re-timer can help regulate the body’s internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. By using Re-timer regularly, shift workers can improve the quality of their sleep, leading to better overall health and well-being.

Increasing Productivity with Re-timer

Another benefit of using Re-timer is that it can help increase productivity and job performance, even in the most challenging shift work environments. When workers are well-rested and alert, they are better able to concentrate, make decisions, and respond to changing conditions in the workplace.

In fact, research has shown that light therapy can be an effective tool for improving cognitive performance, particularly in areas such as attention, memory, and reaction time. A regular usage of  Re-timer allows shift workers to enhance their cognitive abilities, leading to improved job performance and productivity.

Using Re-timer in Shift Work Environments

Re-timer is designed to be used for at least 30 minutes a day, it easy to incorporate into even the busiest of schedules. The glasses are portable and lightweight, and hence they can be used on the go, whether at work or at home. Wearing Re-Timer for a minimum of 30 minutes per day may help you to:

  • begin delaying your sleep time in preparation for the night shift
  • help you stay awake at work
  • enable you to wake up earlier on your days off

“As a night shift worker, I use the Re-Timer to avoid early morning tiredness when my body wants to shut down and sleep. Regular use before going on shift keeps me alert for a 10-hour night shift.” – John Benson – Huddersfield, United Kingdom

To summarize, shift work can be challenging for many reasons, however by incorporating Re-timer light therapy glasses into daily routine, shift workers can improve their sleep quality and productivity, leading to better overall health and job performance. With its portable design and easy-to-use features, Re-timer is an excellent tool for anyone looking to improve their sleep and increase their productivity in the workplace.

Jet lag is a common condition, it occurs when body’s natural sleep-wake cycle is disrupted due to travel across time zones. The condition can result in symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, and difficulty concentrating. Re-timer, a type of light therapy glasses, can help regulate sleep-wake cycles and reduce the symptoms of jet lag.

What is Jet Lag?

Jet lag also known as Jet Lag Disorder is a temporary sleep issue that can occur when a person travels across multiple time zones, which can disrupt body’s natural sleep-wake cycle known as circadian rhythm.

The condition arises because the body’s internal clock is still synced with the previous time zone, causing a mismatch between the external environment, such as the local time of day, and the internal biological clock.

Symptoms of jet lag can vary depending on the number of time zones crossed, the direction of travel. Common symptoms of jet lag include:

  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Insomnia or difficulty sleeping at night
  • Daytime sleepiness or difficulty staying awake during the day
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Mood changes such as anxiety, and depression
  • Loss of appetite, constipation, or diarrhea
  • Headaches, dizziness, and nausea
  • Reduced physical performance and coordination.

The severity of these symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the individual and the extent of the time zone changes. The symptoms of jet lag typically resolve within a few days as the body adjusts to the new time zone and re-establishes its natural circadian rhythm.

Regulating Sleep-Wake Cycles with Re-timer for Jet Lag

Re-timer light therapy glasses use green-blue light to stimulate the part of the brain that controls the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Research has shown that light therapy can be an effective treatment for jet lag, helping travelers adjust to new time zones more quickly ,allowing them to feel more awake during the day and sleep better at night.

Reducing Jet Lag Symptoms with Re-timer

Studies have shown that light therapy can reduce the symptoms of jet lag, including fatigue, insomnia, and difficulty concentrating. By using Re-timer regularly, travelers can reduce the severity and duration of these symptoms, allowing them to enjoy their trip to the fullest.

Using Re-timer for Travel

Re-timer is designed to be used for just 30 minutes a day, making it easy to incorporate into even the busiest travel schedule as the glasses are portable and lightweight.

“Re-Timer has really helped me to prepare and adjust to the time zones throughout the competition season. Usually I find myself waking in the middle of night and not being able to fall back asleep. This can be detrimental to training and competition preparation. Re-Timer has helped me get ahead of the game and be ready to perform at my best.”

Danielle Scott, Sochi Olympic Aerial Ski Champion

It is recommended that travelers use Re-timer during the morning or early afternoon in their new time zone. Following regular routine, travelers can regulate their sleep-wake cycles and reduce the symptoms of jet lag, allowing them to enjoy their trip without the negative effects of jet lag. You can use the Re-timer Jet Lag Calculator to set up your schedule as per your travel plans.


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